An official army family and MWR Site

Exceptional Family Member Program



About EFMP

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) provides comprehensive support to family members with special needs. EFMP takes an all-inclusive approach to coordinate military and civilian community, educational, medical, housing, and personnel services to help Soldiers and their Families with special needs.

An Exceptional Family Member is a Family member with any physical, emotional, developmental, or intellectual disorder that requires special treatment, therapy, education, training, or counseling, and meets the eligibility criteria. 

Soldiers* with Exceptional Family Members are required to register for EFMP and keep enrollment information current. This way, Family needs will be considered during the OCONUS assignments process.

If you’re eligible for EFMP services, Family members must be screened and enrolled when they accompany authorized Soldiers on OCONUS assignments. Screenings include medical records review for all Family members and developmental screening for all children aged 72 months and younger.

For more information about EFMP, contact the EFMP point of contact through your nearest Army medical treatment facility.

*Who must enroll in the program?

  1. Active Army
  2. U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) Soldiers in the Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Program
  3. Army National Guard (ARNG) AGR personnel serving under authority of 10 USC and 32 USC.

Department of the Army civilian employees do not enroll in the program.

You must identify dependent children with special education and medically related service needs and, Family members with medical needs each time they process for an assignment to a location outside the United States, where Family member travel is authorized at government expense.


What is the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP)?

  • A comprehensive, coordinated, multi-agency program that provides community support, housing, medical, educational, and personnel services to military Families with an Exceptional Family Member (EFM).
  • Enrollment in the EFMP helps the Army match the Soldier's grade and specialty with a location that can support the EFM's special needs.
  • Enrollment in EFMP is mandatory for any soldier whose dependent qualifies as an EFM.

Who qualifies to be enrolled in EFMP?

  • Approximately 10% of Army Families have members who require special or additional medical or educational services.
  • Family members of Soldiers may qualify as an EFM with special medical needs if they have one of the below conditions/needs:
    • Potentially life-threatening conditions and/or chronic medical/physical conditions requiring follow-up support more than once a year or specialty care
    • Current and chronic (duration of 6 months or longer) mental health condition within the last 5 years or the need for frequent mental health services
    • Diagnosis of asthma or other respiratory-related diagnosis with chronic recurring wheezing
    • Diagnosis of attention deficit disorder (ADD)/attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
    • Adaptive equipment required
    • Assistive technology devices or services required
    • Environmental/architectural considerations required
      •  Family members of Soldiers are considered to have a special educational need if they have or require an:
  •  Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP), age birth to 3 y ears
  •  Individualized Education Program (IEP), age 3 years to 21 years

How do I enroll or get more information?

  • Call the Fort Benning EFMP Office at (762)-408-2423
  • Visit the Fort Benning EFMP Website at
  •  Visit the U.S. Army Medical Department EFMP Website at

Are DoD civilian employees required to enroll?

  • DA civilian employees with EFMs do not enroll in EFMP. However, they are required to identify family members with special education and medically related service needs each time they process for an assignment to a location outside of the United States where dependent travel is authorized at government expense.

Does enrollment impact a Soldier’s career?

  • Enrollment in EFMP does not adversely affect selection for promotion, schools, or assignments. Information concerning enrollment in the EFMP or any of the data used in the program is confidential and is not made available to selection boards.

Are special education needs considered during the assignment process?

  • Special education needs are considered only for assignments outside of the United States. Assignments within our 50 states and territories are not based on the educational needs of children. Every local school system must provide special education faculties and facilities for students with special needs.

How do I dis-enroll from EFMP?

  • Disenrollment may occur for the following reasons:  family member no longer qualifies as a dependent, divorce or change in custody, family member no longer has previously identified condition, or no longer requires an IEP/IFSP.  Supporting document must be submitted with the updated EFMP packet requesting the change.  Supporting documents include divorce decree, parenting plan, medical or educational documents supporting no longer needing services.  All requests are processed at the MEDDAC EFMP office. 

What is the process for an overseas screening?

  • Obtain a signed copy of DA Form 5888 from Levy Brief.  This can be obtained by levy briefing staff at bldg. 35, the unit S1, or at the levy brief.   Ensure all family members completed a physical within the last 12 months.  Schedule an overseas screen with the MEDDAC EFMP office and bring the signed 5888 and all medical records for all family members requesting command sponsorship.

What is the process for a Compassionate Reassignment?

  • Compassionate reassignment requests occur at the unit level when the necessary services needed for a family member cannot be accommodated at the current location.  Request a copy of your EFMP summary report or a copy of your enrollment packet from MEDDAC EFMP to prove EFMP enrollment.  Obtain adequate medical documents from your care team depicting level of care, frequency of services, and listing of all necessary procedures and appointments.  EFMP does not provide a letter of recommendation for reassignment. 

What is the process for requesting Stabilization based on my EFMP?

  • Stabilization requests occur at the unit level and require medical documentation for the members care team.  Request a copy of your EFMP summary report or a copy of your enrollment packet from MEDDAC EFMP to prove EFMP enrollment.  Obtain adequate medical documents from your care team depicting level of care, frequency of services, and listing of all necessary procedures and appointments.  EFMP does not provide a letter of recommendation for stabilization. 
ACS EFMP Services/programs

Respite Care Program:  The EFMP provides temporary relief for the primary caregiver. Families who meet specific criteria are eligible for respite care.  For application or eligibility questions, please call (706) 545-1695.

(MIAT) evaluates health, developmental, physical, social, emotional, learning, and behavioral issues and coordinates necessary special needs accommodations for children to participate in Child and Youth Services (CYS) programs. For more information on MIATs please call CYS Parent Central office at (706) 545-2079 or EFMP at (706) 545-2679.

System Navigation:  A community support component of the EFMP that connects Families with special needs to the systems of care they need, both on and off the installation.

Needs Assessments:  Needs assessments and services plans are completed during a one-on-one meeting with an EFMP staff to map out family needs and assess a plan of action to get needs met.  This process typically takes 30 minutes and is a way for the EFMP to better assist families with complex concerns. For more information please call (706) 545-5521.

Advocacy: Advocacy services include medical and educational advocacy for those needing services, to include, facilitating exceptions to policy for housing and assistance in the schools for children on IEP and/or 504 plans.


MEDDAC EFMP handles enrollments, updates, dis-enrollments, overseas screenings and questions about the availability of services in the area. Enrollment updates are required every three years or if the medical or educational condition/status changes. Call the MEDDAC EFMP office at (762) 408-2423.

Tricare ECHO:  Enrollment into ECHO is required prior to starting ABA services. MEDDAC EFMP can assist in ECHO enrollment. Please contact the TRICARE ECHO Information Line (Question & Comments) at 800-447-6072 or VALUE OPTIONS: 866-323-7155, OPTION 1.

For medical and educational enrollment, disenrollment, or update information please call 762-408-2423. Please leave a voicemail if no one answers the phone and your call will be returned within 72 business hours. 


Child & Youth Services: +1 (706) 545-2079; 

Off Post links:

Surrounding School Districts




Education Advocacy

Additional Points of Contact
Special Education Resources

Education Advocacy

 Legal Information


Schooling assistance:

Special Needs Recreational Activities and Resources

Parent Resource Exchange, allows families with special needs to share resources. Meetings are held the first Monday of each month at 11 a.m. at ACS EFMP Conference room on Main Post. A list of local resource support groups is also available through EFMP.

Exceptional Family Member Resource Library, videos, books and other materials are available at in Room 138 at Army Community Service, Building 7, on Baltzell Avenue.


EFMP Provided Trainings:

Military Families Learning Network: Trainings specific to military life as well as EFMP specific training opportunities for free.

Special Ed Connection:  offers explanations on IDEA, ADA, FERPA and other laws impacting special education and access to free web based trainings weekly.

EFMP Forms & Publications

a.       AR 608-75

b.       DODI 1315.19

c.       DODD 1342.12

d.       Annex K

e.       DD 3054

f.        DD 2792

g.       DD 2792-1

h.       DA 5888

i.         DA 7415

j.         Levy Brief OSS Package