An official army family and MWR Site

Amateur Comedy Hour

Note: This event has already passed.

The Milton E. Long Library and the Infantry Bar (IBar) are partnering up for this new fun event!

Join us on February 28 from 5 – 7 p.m. at the IBar for our first open mic Amateur Comedy Hour!

Open to everyone, no limits – this open mic is for all aspiring comedians and for everyone who just wants/likes to make other people laugh! We turn the IBar into a real comedy club!

Bring your friends, coworkers, fellow soldiers or your neighbor for just a great time!

Light refreshments will be provided, and adult beverages are available for purchase.

This event is for adults only, ages 18+ are welcome! No registration required, for more information, please contact the Milton E. Long Library at +1 (706) 545-4911 or just stop by.

Milton E. Long Library